Fueled Reactive apps with Asynchronous Flow — Part 5 — View Delegate Implementation

Raul Hernandez Lopez
Published in
9 min readJun 24, 2020


Implementation details cover

(This article was featured at Android #420 & Kotlin #204 Weekly)

The View is such an interesting and challenging artefact to deal with. We can be very tempted as Android engineers to create a custom View, Fragment, Activity, etc and probably add inside extra (not needed) logic.

I truly believe moving logic away from the view would make our code more testable. Over the years I’ve learned that the more you can decouple logic and responsibilities out of the view, the easier to test your code could become.

A good design pattern for that concrete purpose is the Delegate pattern (of course there are more for us to take advantage of). Meaning a collaborator is directly supporting the view to handle the work that shouldn’t have to do.

Whether you want to recap what my Migration Strategy was, please have a look at Part 1 for further details:

Throughout this article, I will elaborate on some Implementation details from the View. Concretely I will explain in detail the “View Delegate Design”. Sub-sections are: “Creating a ViewDelegate with RxJava”, “Creating a ViewDelegate with Channels”, “Starting the query” & “Clean up Resources”. Moreover, any possible last updates that we would need to fix to complete our Migration into Kotlin Coroutines at the “Complete Migration” last sub-section.

Previously we probably completed a similar approach to the Clean Architecture migration:

View Delegate Design

View Delegate Design cover

Originally we came from a Java View implementation using RxJava mechanisms such as PublishSubject or BehaviourSubject to open synchronous streams.

If you need to refresh differences between Synchronous and Asynchronous communications (streams) I recommend you to read Part 2:

View callback injects view into ViewDelegate and this starts the Presenter by using the ViewListener

In the diagram above, we can observe both, the View Delegate and the View Listener. Decoupling is a foundational task we need in order to keep other elements using Java at the same time than Kotlin into others. Entities created will become smaller and we will take advantage of this approach to add Coroutines into new Kotlin files. Remember we cannot add Coroutines into Java files, therefore this is especially relevant if we wish we could integrate Kotlin Coroutines.

Now, let’s take a look at How it would look like after the last Migration:

View Delegate after migration

The diagram above highlights where we could potentially use Kotlin Coroutines or Flows. Along the way, I explained the reasons for that in each past article.

Creating a ViewDelegate with RxJava ✅

The anatomy of the SearchViewDelegate transformed into Kotlin looks like:

SearchViewDelegate constructor

Here, we are just passing the SearchTweetPresenter for us to start the user’s query once is typed on the SearchView (keep reading for further details about this special kind of View).

Just briefly, I’d like to remind I won’t change any Presenters at all, they used to look like this in Java:

the legacy SearchTweetPresenter

They have an @ActivityScope and use SearchTweetUseCase under the hood to execute each search query. removeView() will be called at the latest steps of this article, please keep reading.

I also used the following next View interface from the SearchTweetPresenter, where show/hide actions are defined:

SearchTweetPresenter View’s interface contract

Side note: These or any other actions could be defined into the View interface depending on your needs. In the same way Presenters could have other approaches like using StateFlow or LiveData to automatically update UI without the need for Callbacks on Android. These are just examples intentionally used for the Use case of my sample app during the “Fueled Reactive apps with Asynchronous Flow” presentation.

Now let’s prepare the SearchViewDelegate and its SearchViewListener.

SearchViewDelegate’s subject creation and addition to SearchViewListener

Looking into the SearchViewDelegate, we can create a subtype of Subject like BehaviourSubject whose usage will be throughout the SearchViewListener.

Therefore this listener will be associated with the View using the setter setOnQueryTextListener.

SearchViewListener using a Hot Observable

Our SearchView needs to set up its OnQueryTextListener in order to be able to communicate any new typed query by the user. For every iteration of onQueryTextChange our subject is passing a new stream with the user’s input query by means of subject.onNext().

Now let’s change this into a Coroutines with Channels approach.

Creating a ViewDelegate with Channels ✅

The previously mentioned BehaviourSubject would need to become a Channel to synchronously communicate real-time events. This Channels ability is due to conceptually they are working like a BlockingQueue.

SearchViewDelegate and SearchViewListener using Channels

The prepareViewDelegateListener() looks really similar to the previous RxJava approach. The main difference is, by using channelFlow{} builder instead, a channel is passed through the SearchViewListener. That channel is a SendChannel type, which is created and provided to the builder block via ProducerScope. I will get back to the // clean up comment later.

Important note to remark from the channelFlow documentation:

The resulting flow is cold, which means that block is called every time a terminal operator is applied to the resulting flow.

SearchViewListener uses a SendChannel to offer the new stream

Now, at the SearchViewListener we received SendChannel from the channelFlow{} builder block. This is equivalent to the previous implementation, to transfer the new stream we just need to invoke channel.offer(). At the moment of this presentation SendChannel needed an @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi annotation on our class constructor or method signature.

Starting the query ✅

Once we have created all means of passing different events from the view, we need to handle them accordingly to start searching for a query.

First, let’s go back to the RxJava implementation.

SearchViewDelegate observeSubject method
  • All changes that are coming from the view need to be observed on the UI thread.
  • Whether (optional) we do debounce() every 400 milliseconds (ms). Those “ms” are really up to you, however, this operation needs to be performed at the computation thread pool -off the main thread-.
  • With distinctUntilChanged() we are making sure to don’t act if there aren’t new changes in the query.
  • We probably want to filter{} the execution of the query under certain scenarios, let’s say we don’t want to enable an initial query for just a # or @. This is just an example, if you are happy without filtering, just drop that line from here.
  • Finally with subscribe() on the happy path, we would search for tweets for a particular query: searchTweet(query).
  • Or maybe if any exception or weird edge case happens we will show an error message with showProblemHappened() with a nice Dialog, Toast, SnackBar, etc.

Let’s have a look at the same code with Kotlin Coroutines:

SearchViewDelegate observeChannelAsFlow method using .collect {}
  • I used here launch{} to start the stream on the main thread with a SupervisorJob() (if you wonder why I used SupervisorJob, Part 2 gives you my reasons).
  • debounce() implicitly uses ms by default. We need @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi annotation, however, to use debounce() a @FlowPreview was also needed by the time of this presentation.
  • distinctUntilChanged() & filter{}: No real difference here, same operations than RxJava implementation.
  • Now I use flowOn() with the computation dispatcher because it goes upstream (operators above it) and affects debounce, distinctUntilChanged & filter.
  • After those, we will use catch and collect. They will be executed on the Dispatcher of the calling scope (uiDispatcher, our main thread).

catch{} captures any upstream exceptions coming from previous operations too.

  • Finally the collect{} terminal operator completes the current Flow and executes presenter.searchTweet(query) with our user’s input query.
  • If an exception happens in the provided flow, the catch block will be called. However, if it happens during collect, it’ll be propagated to the scope. To avoid side effects, we might want to surround that code with try/catch.

SearchPresenter is a Java file, for that same reason our SearchViewDelegate’s scope will end up here. Meaning we need to start any new scopes in other areas using Kotlin Coroutines as necessary.

Another possibility to avoid using the launch{} block:

SearchViewDelegate observeChannelAsFlow method using onEach{} and launchIn()

This method is equivalent to the previous one, now onEach replaces what collect does for each stream. Furthermore, we can launch our scope by means of launchIn. The main difference from this to the previous version is: any errors coming from collect weren’t previously caught and now the errors coming from onEach will be. Since catch works upstream it will catch them all.

As an extra, I added on purpose right after filter{} the .map{} function to trim() our input query, of course, this is optional.

Clean up Resources ✅

SearchViewDelegate clean up of resources with RxJava Disposables

For the RxJava implementation, we would manually invoke cleanResources() to avoid memory leaks. Within that function, we clean up that listener as well as we dispose() the previously created Disposable (during observeSubject() execution).

Let’s see how it looks like by applying a Channels approach.

SearchViewDelegate clean up of resources with Channels

Going back to the prepareViewDelegateListener(), we have a very convenient block called awaitClose{} right inside channelFlow{}. awaitClose will suspend the coroutine of this channelFlow until the listener goes away. Only then, this will resume and will clean up those resources. By adding any necessary statements inside that block, it will prevent possible memory leaks. Note we don’t have to clean up manually our channel instance because channelFlow{} will take care of it for us.

How does the clean-up look like for the CoroutineScope?

SearchViewDelegate method’s clean up

Like we can see, our SearchViewDelegate makes sure to end up with the CoroutineScope we used (main thread for our views) by calling cancel() as well as it tells the SearchPresenter about removing any listeners from the view via removeView().

Finally, let’s clean up all resources when our view is destroyed.

SearchTweetActivity onDestroy

When SearchTweetActivity (our main view) is being destroyed, it invokes cleanUp() method from the SearchViewDelegate (previously explained) and makes sure all views are garbage collected by removing all hard references (nullifying them).

Are we finally done now?

Complete Migration ✅

I think the last but not least important thing is optimising resources and cleaning up the TaskThreadingImpl. For this, we probably can remove the previous declared Schedulers if we don’t need it anymore.

Now that we can get rid of the those Schedulers and their getter methods for good, we could directly use the native Kotlin Dispatchers. Unless of course, you still need our previous Schedulers, in addition to their thread execution pools. This could be the case whether we are reusing them for any concrete library, then this step can be skipped. The way to directly convert back from Dispatchers to Schedulers is still pending.

That was all I wanted to cover for Part 5, so far we have reviewed the last part about the View layer Implementation sub-section:

  • View Delegate Implementation

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Raul Hernandez Lopez

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I want to give a special thanks to Manuel Vivo (follow him) for reviewing this article and to make it more readable, follow him! He knows a ton about Kotlin or Android.

A big & special thanks to Cristina P. for the proof-reading of this article.

(Update) The newest article talking about “Synchronous communication with the UI using StateFlow (aka how to get rid of the Callbacks):

To follow up, I will complete this series of articles with:

  • Lessons learned & Next steps”. The end chapter with some reflections and personal opinions as well as closing comparative notes.

Do you want to recapitulate any previous topics? A previous Part not mentioned during this article is “Data layer Implementation”:



Senior Staff Software Engineer. Continuous learner, sometimes runner, some time speaker & open minded. Opinions my own.